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"I'm so happy to meet you," said Sara, surprising Abby with a big hug. "If there's anything we can ever do for you, just let us know."

"Thank you," replied Abby, a little unsure what that was supposed to mean.

"Heaven knows," added Sara, "I've seen more than one woman marry an inmate in the hopes of somehow reforming or saving him from himself. The stories I could tell you, would break your heart!"

"Jake was saved when I met him," answered Abby, "so I guess I have a head start."

Dick chuckled and took off his sunglasses. As Sheriff Peterson joined them, Sara excused herself and went to visit with Izumi and the Sheriff's wife.

"Jake, Abby, I'm going to need to talk to you both, later today," said the Sheriff, looking very strange without his uniform.

"Are we in trouble?" asked Abby.

"Not yet," replied the man, glaring hard at Dick before returning to the living room.

Just as Mr. Winkler, Dennis, and the rest of Abby's fishing buddies were arriving in droves, Dr. Jacoby joined AJ and Dick in the kitchen.

"Doc," laughed the former prison warden, "were you as surprised as the rest of us when you found out they were going to have a baby?"

"Not as surprised as when I heard Jake was going to testify," replied the psychiatrist, rather bluntly.

Dick shifted uncomfortably and excused himself from the kitchen.

"Don't blame Dick," pleaded Jake. "He's a good man."

"I'm sure he is," answered Dr. Jacoby with a kind smile. "We'll talk about it later."

As the psychiatrist went back to the party, Abby silently thought over what she had just heard, and wondered if she was doing the right thing. Before Jake could return to his work, the ladies emerged from Izumi's room and flocked to the kitchen, discharging the couple from their work.

"Let us take care of the food," smiled Sara. "This baby shower is as much for the new father as it is for the new mother!"

"I guess we'd better let them," smiled Abby with a shrug. When AJ entered the room, everyone looked up. "We were kicked out of the kitchen," she explained, as Terry offered them a seat on the couch.

Dr. Gregory, who had helped Terry plan the party, leaned forward and patted Abby's hand.

"When you were two years old," he reminisced, "I remember you running down the beach without a diaper, laughing and giggling all the way, unaware that you were dangerously close to the water. I was too far away to help, but your father wasn't. He scooped you up, and returned you to your frightened mother. You were never once afraid."

"Sounds as though I should have been," Abby smiled grimly.

Sara and Mrs. Peterson appeared from the kitchen and served the drinks that Jake had already prepared.

"Let's open presents," suggested Terry.

There were too many people for the party to move into Izumi's room, so John moved her bed beside the bedroom door, so she could watch.

"This is from your mother," smiled John, placing a large box trimmed with delicate bows and pastel baby shaped stickers. Abby smiled and looked up at Izumi who was beaming at her from down the hall.
continued on next page...
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