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"Abby?" asked John. "Are you all right? Look at me, Sweetheart. Terry, go get some water. I think she's about to faint!" Casey went in Terry's place, and soon returned with a paper cup of water. John put the cup to her lips but she pushed it away.

"You mean," asked Terry, incredulously, "he's being sent back to the same place that he testified against at the hearing?"

"I'm afraid so," answered the Sheriff.

"May I see him?" asked Abby in a shaky voice, straining within herself not to faint.

"I'm sorry, but not right now," gently replied Sheriff Peterson. "The Watertown State Penitentiary has visiting hours, and you must first be on a visiting list, before you can even go."

"How do I get on a visiting list?" inquired Abby.

"Sweetheart," suggested John, "maybe we should take you home."

"How do I get on a visiting list?" she repeated in a voice more determined than ever.

"Jake has to be the one to do it," replied the Sheriff.

"How do I get in touch with Jake?" she asked.

"He can't accept incoming calls," explained Henry, "but he can make outgoing calls. It's usually collect, because inmates often don't have the money to pay for it, themselves."

"Dad," announced Abby, getting up from the office chair, "I want to go home. I have to be there when Jake calls."

"I'm sorry, Abby," apologized the Sheriff, as the three started out the door. "If there's anything I can do..." his voice trailed off and ended in a heavy sigh.

Once in the parking lot, John tried to take the car keys from his daughter, but she refused to hand them over.

"I still know how to drive, Dad," resisted Abby, reeling a little where she stood, for she still felt faint.

Terry saw his opportunity and grabbed the jeep keys from her. Before she could try to get them back, he quickly tossed the keys to his friend.

"Sorry," apologized Terry, "but you're in no condition to drive right now."

"Whatever," she sighed wearily. "Let's just hurry up and get home."

When the jeep finally pulled up to the Johanneses' house, Abby jumped out and ran to her little home, while John went to tell Izumi what had happened. Terry followed Abby inside where he found her anxiously checking the answering machine.

"No messages," she sighed disappointedly, glancing at the clock. "I suppose he's still being processed."

"That makes sense," agreed Terry, looking about the living room.

"Why don't you go home, Uncle Terry?" she suggested. "I'll let you guys know the minute I hear from Jake."

"What about you?" he asked. "Shouldn't someone be with you right now?"

"I'm a big girl," Abby smiled bravely. "I'll be just fine. Mr. Winkler gave me the day off so I could spend it with Jake..." she paused a moment to stop herself from choking on the words. "I have the day off, so now I can sit by the phone and wait for his call," she finished carefully. "Besides, I can use this time to catch up on some flies I've been working on for the tackle shop."

Terry watched as Abby kicked off her shoes onto the living room floor and went to her room. When he peered through the open bedroom door, Terry found her hard at work over some new pattern she had designed. Seeing she was busy, Terry reluctantly left the little yellow house.
continued on next page...
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