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On the drive back, Chad talked about how he once killed a rattle snake, but Charlie didn't pay much attention. She was too busy trying to think of something to talk to Mike about. Every time she opened her mouth, nothing came out. Before Charlie knew it, they were in front of her home.

"Thanks again!" said Charlie, waving good-bye as the Garners drove away.

When Charlie entered the house, she found her father casually working a crossword puzzle on the kitchen table.

"Daddy!" she cried, "where were you? I waited in the school parking lot for over half an hour!" Chuck threw down his pencil in disgust.

"I'm so sorry, Pumpkin!" he said, getting up from his chair and giving his daughter an apologetic hug. "I guess I forgot," he said, sadly.

"You aren't home by yourself, are you?" asked Charlie, suddenly realizing that Vera wasn't present.

"She's in the bathroom," replied Chuck, sitting back down at the table. "I really am sorry, Pumpkin. I should have remembered." Charlie tapped on the bathroom door until she heard Vera's voice.

"It's O.K., Grandma," replied Charlie, "I was just checking."

"How did you get home?" asked Chuck, suddenly coming to the conclusion that she had gotten a ride from someone. "You didn't hitchhike, did you?"

"When Mike Garner picked up Chad at school, they offered me a ride," explained Charlie, getting ready to prepare dinner.

"That was Providential. Chad goes to Galilee, huh? I didn't know that," mused Chuck, happily.

"What's with the crossword puzzles, Daddy?" asked Charlie, putting on Vera's apron.

"Dr. Gillis said I should try to do things that stimulate my mind," replied Chuck. "He suggested that I take up jigsaw puzzles, or crossword puzzles."

"Donna used to love doing the crosswords," reminisced Charlie. "Only, she did it differently."

"What did she do that was so different?" asked Chuck.

"Donna used a ballpoint pen," grinned Charlie, pointing at the pencil her father was holding.

"Very funny," said Chuck, smiling in spite of himself. It was good to have Charlie home again.

After dinner, Charlie retired to her room to study. Although no one had assigned her any homework, Charlie felt it would be best if she devoted the entire weekend to studies, so she could catch up with the rest of her class.

Chuck, on the other hand, had other ideas.

"Charlie," began Chuck, standing in his daughter's open bedroom door, "the kitchen sink is dripping. I just called Adam and he said we needed a new washer. Could you run and get it? Here's five dollars," he said, handing her a few dollar bills. Charlie looked at him suspiciously. "Keep any change for yourself. Think of it as a tip," grinned Chuck, innocently.

"And if Adam just happens to be there, maybe we'll talk about Jesus?" said Charlie, trying to put into words the look she saw in her father's eyes.

"The sink really IS dripping," said Chuck. "You can come to the kitchen and see for yourself."

"It's seven-thirty, Daddy. The store will be closed."

"Adam says he has a spare washer laying around his house," explained Chuck.

"Oh, Daddy," sighed Charlie.

"Please, Pumpkin. For me?" pleaded Chuck.

"How do I get there?" asked Charlie, resignedly.
continued on next page...
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