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"What are they waiting for?" groaned Charlie.

"The end of the broadcast," answered Maggie, gloomily. "You know, they always save stories like that until the very last."

Five minutes before midnight, the moment the girls had been waiting for, finally arrived.

"Guess who's been shopping for an engagement ring?" began the entertainment reporter. "Two weeks after announcing his engagement to sixteen year old Charlotte Overholt, [here the girls started jumping up and and down in their seats], forty-five year old Wallace Shipley has been seen at some of the finest jewelry stories in New York, searching for-- you guessed it, the perfect engagement ring for his young bride-to-be."

"Don't look," exclaimed Maggie, "they're showing the rings!"

Charlie quickly averted her eyes, but continued to listen.

"The rich and famous are the only ones who can afford these high priced gems," Charlie heard the reporter saying. "Wallace Shipley reportedly looked at a ring similar to this one-- a ten carat, flawless diamond, worth over five hundred thousand dollars. No word as yet to whether he purchased it, or not. Since the wedding is reportedly set for next summer, all eyes will be on Charlotte's left hand fourth finger! Back to you in the studio..." here Maggie clicked off the set.

"Five hundred thousand dollars for one ring?" repeated Charlie, still in sticker shock. "Surely, he wouldn't." She looked at Maggie. "Adam is a very practical man," stated Charlie. "I don't care what they say on the news, he would never spend that much money on a single piece of jewelry!"

"What if he did?" asked Maggie.

"He wouldn't," repeated Charlie.

"What if you're wrong?" pressed Maggie.

"What would I do with such a ring?" exclaimed Charlie. "Why, I'd be afraid to go outside with all that money on my finger!"

"It might be nice, though," mused Maggie. "To have something really special, represent the love you share with your future husband. It did look awfully nice, Charlie."

"With that kind of sentiment, I could be just as happy with a plastic ring!" exclaimed Charlie. "Come on, I've had enough. Let's go to bed."

The girls climbed into bed, each one still thinking about what had been said on television.

"So," asked Maggie, finally breaking the silence, "you don't think Adam would do it?"

"Oh, Maggie," replied Charlie with a deep sigh, "I hope not. Everyone's going to point at me and say, 'So that's why she married him!'"

"I think they're saying that, already," yawned Maggie. "Goodnight, Charlie."

"Goodnight, Maggie."

Within minutes, Maggie had fallen asleep, leaving Charlie to wonder what Adam was up to.

"And herein do I [Adam and Charlie] exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men."
~ Acts 24:16 ~

end of chapter
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