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Suddenly, there was a knock on the front door. Adam went to the window to see who it was.

"It's Mr. Garth, one of my neighbors," he announced, unlocking the door and letting the elderly gentleman inside.

"I hate to be a nuisance," said the old man, "but do you know when the crowd is going to leave? My wife is recovering from a heart attack, and she must have rest and quiet."

"I apologize for the trouble they're causing your wife," said Adam. "This afternoon, I'll go outside and give an interview. I think, they'll leave after that. I'll go out right now and ask them to keep the noise down."

"This used to be such a quiet neighborhood," lamented Mr. Garth, his aged head shaking slightly from Parkinson's Disease.

"I'm truly sorry," apologized Adam, once more.

"I'm sorry to have bothered you," said Mr. Garth, turning to leave. "But, anything you could do to make them go away would be appreciated. I almost lost my wife with that last heart attack-- I don't think she could survive another."

"I'll do everything I can," promised Adam.

With this assurance, Mr. Garth left. Charlie's eyes met Adam's, and by the sad expression on his face, she knew they were both thinking the same thing.

"We can't live in Twin Yucca, can we?" she asked, her voice betraying little hope.

After going outside to appeal to the crowd to keep down the noise as much as possible, Adam came back inside and sat down on the bottom of the stairs to think.

"I don't want to move," said Charlie resolutely. "I'm not leaving Maggie! Besides Jeff and you, I'm the only friend she has!"

"This isn't about abandoning friends," reminded Adam. "We must do, what we must do."

"Oh, Adam, I'm scared!" cried Charlie going to him for comfort. "What's going to happen to us? This is only going to get worse, next month when the Christmas special airs."

"I have to call Melvin," declared Adam, getting up and dialing his publicist.

While Adam talked to Melvin, Charlie went to the kitchen, where Vera was trying to make herself useful by preparing breakfast.

"Where is the skillet?" asked Vera, searching a nearby cupboard.

Charlie got out the skillet and handed it to her grandmother.

"I take it, you and Adam are in the middle of a serious discussion," observed Vera.

"Grandma, if we had to leave Twin Yucca, would you come with us?" asked Charlie.

"Leave the desert?" Vera repeated slowly, a troubled look on her face. "Arnold is gone, and Jerome doesn't want me-- not really. You and Chucky are the only family I have left."

"So, you'll come with us?" asked Charlie.

"If you both still want me, I'd be delighted to come," replied Vera. "Are you sure though, that you need to move?"

"I don't know," said Charlie, sitting down at the table. "Right now, it looks that way. I'm so tired, I could cry."

"Adam offered you his guest room. Why don't you take him up on it? Just go lie down and get some rest. I'll look after your father," prompted Vera.

Charlie smiled weakly.

"Thanks, Grandma," she said, kissing her and then going upstairs for a nap.
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