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Even though it was late Autumn, the arid desert was pleasantly warm, making it ideal for an outing. Charlie directed Kevin through the bustling city until they reached a large clothing outlet situated next to crowded streets lined with boutiques of every kind.

"Come on, Maggie," said Charlie, as Kevin got out of the landrover and opened the door for her. "Have you ever been here, before?"

Maggie shook her head no. This was more upscale than anything she was used to. Charlie, herself, had only been her once before, on a shopping trip with Mrs. Jacobs and Vera. They had only stuck their heads into one or two boutiques, before going to the large retail outlet located near the heart of the city.

Since this was Thanksgiving weekend, everyone and their mother was out and about, taking advantage of the marked down Thanksgiving prices and enjoying the good weather. As Maggie timidly held on to Charlie's hand, and with Kevin following close behind, the three made their way down the street toward one of the boutiques Charlie had had her eye on since the last time she was in Palm City.

"Nadine's Boutique" was a modest, fashionable store, run by the proprietor, Nadine Summers. The pink and red awning over the front display window was her trademark, and had become somewhat of a landmark over the twelve years she had been in business. A cool breeze greeted them as they opened the door and went inside. Light jazz played in the background over discreetly hidden speakers, while Nadine, herself, was finishing with one of her regular customers.

"I'll be with you in a moment," she smiled, nodding to the women.

Kevin took off his sunglasses and stepped back, allowing Charlie and Maggie to look around without getting in their way, but staying close enough to intervene should trouble arise.

"Maggie, look at this!" exclaimed Charlie, taking an article of clothing from off a rack and holding it up to her friend.

"Would you like to try it on?" asked Charlie, pointing to the presently vacant dressing room near the back of the store.

Shyly, Maggie nodded yes. As she disappeared into the dressing room, Nadine approached her young customer.

"Excuse me," said the proprietor, fingering an elegant gold chain around her neck, "but is this your first visit to my boutique?"

"Yes," replied Charlie.

"That's strange," mused Nadine, curiously, "I never forget a face, and I could swear I've seen you before. [Gasp!] I know, you're the image of Wallace Shipley's child bride!"

"Imagine that," smiled Charlie, uncomfortably.

There was a confident knowing look on Nadine's face, that told Charlie she thought she had guessed correctly. How Nadine could have possibly recognized her in this disguise, was beyond Charlie's comprehension.

"May I help you find what you're looking for?" offered Nadine.

"My friend is getting married, and we're shopping for her wedding trousseau," explained Charlie.

"Oh?" replied the shopkeeper, a little surprised.

Everyone knew that Wallace and Charlotte were getting married sometime next summer, and the thought crossed Nadine's mind that perhaps it was Charlie's wedding trousseau that she was shopping for, and not for a friend.

"How do you like it?" asked Maggie, stepping out of the dressing room and standing in front of the mirror.

"You look great!" exclaimed Charlie, going to her side and adjusting a sleeve.

"Have you found your going away outfit, yet?" inquired Nadine, more to Charlie than to Maggie.

"I don't think Jeff can get off work for a honeymoon," replied Maggie, hesitantly.

"The wedding was planned at the last moment," explained Charlie.

"I see," observed Nadine, fully realizing that it wasn't Charlie's wedding, after all.
continued on next page...
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