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Outside their dressing room door, Charlie could hear the noise of countless people, as their voices echoed down the long corridor to where they were waiting.

Adam took Charlie's hand, and the group bowed their heads in prayer. With all the loud clamoring outside, it was difficult for Charlie to pay attention to the sound of Adam's voice as he asked God for His blessing. But Adam won out, and Charlie added her own silent petition to her husband's prayer. "Don't let me fail," was her unspoken request.

The television came to life as an announcer welcomed the viewing audience to the benefit concert that was raising money for the homeless shelters across America. Music played, and a popular band went out to perform their number to the wild cheers of the crowd.

Adam waited in the adjoining room with Charlie, for she didn't want to watch. Her stomach was in knots, and when Dave rushed to the bathroom to lose his coffee and donuts, it didn't help to steady Charlie's nerves. Closing the door for some privacy, Adam sat in a chair next to Charlie and quietly held her hand.

After a few minutes, someone knocked on their door and Hugh stuck his head in. "Adam, your first number is next," he announced. "I need to have you in place, so the show can transition as smoothly as possible."

"I'll be back in a few minutes," Adam kissed Charlie. "Wait for me."

Charlie nodded, and Adam disappeared out the door with Hugh. On the television in the next room, she could hear the announcer say Adam's name and the applause of the audience as he walked onstage.

"He's so brave," Charlie thought to herself. She didn't have the courage to watch his performance, but listened intently from the next room as Adam's music began. She thought he sounded as brilliant as always, and was very proud of him by the time his composition was over. The audience loved him, and the applause was so loud, Charlie could hear it from the dressing room.

When the show went to a commercial break, Adam rejoined Charlie and smiled encouragingly at his nervous wife. "It was easy," he winked at her.

She laughed, and held onto his hand until he was called away for his second number. Charlie wished their duet wasn't the very last performance of the entire concert, for all this waiting was hard on her.

"I'm getting them warmed up for you," Adam had chuckled.

The evening wore on, and Charlie was beginning to think her waiting would never end. When it was time, however, Charlie felt as though it were happening too soon.

"Okay, Charlie-girl," smiled Adam, taking her hand in his. "Just follow my lead, and be yourself. I'll be with you the entire time, all right?"

"Uh-huh," Charlie breathed in between gulps.

"This way," directed Hugh, leading the couple from their dressing room and through a maze of hollow corridors. The closer they came to the center of the arena, the louder Charlie could hear the audience. Clinging tightly to Adam's hand, Charlie followed him through bustling technicians and people with headsets, as Hugh led them to the stage. The lights were dim, as everyone behind the scenes got in place for the next number.

Adam took Charlie to her piano, gave her one last kiss, and sat down at the instrument across from hers-- just the way they had had the pianos set up back home. The crowd was buzzing with excitement, and once or twice started clapping too soon.
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