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"You're right," he yielded. "It wasn't fair of me to put the question to you that way."

"You still trust me, don't you?" asked Charlie, as Wally playfully tugged at the bed sheets and growled.

"Always," he smiled.

"But this pregnancy has been hard on you," Charlie observed, "especially, on your trust."

"It took me by surprise at first," admitted Adam, "but I got over it."

Charlie climbed into bed while Wally dug in the covers. After a sufficient amount of digging, Wally settled beside Charlie beneath the sheets and prepared to go to sleep.

"With all the excitement over recording the new album," Charlie remembered to ask, "you never told me what Shirley said, when you told her I was pregnant."

Adam buttoned his pajama top and turned off the bedroom light. "She said she hoped it's a boy, so the Clark family name won't die off with you and me."

"Is that all?" pressed Charlie, as Adam pulled up the covers and leaned forward to give his wife a kiss goodnight. "I want to know what to expect when she gives me that baby shower."

"Shirley said that it was safe for me to trust you," he smiled, giving Charlie a kiss and then trying to move as close to her as he could with Wally between them. "Does the dog have to sleep right there?" he pleaded. "When I said she could stay, I didn't think she'd stay right there!"

With a coo to her sleepy pet, Charlie lifted the limp furry animal and placed it on her other side. Now Adam could put his arm around Charlie without sandwiching Wally between them.

"Thanks," he smiled, settling down for some serious cuddling.

"Shirley really said that about me?"

"Not in those exact words," admitted Adam, "but it's what she meant. She trusts you, Charlie, and so do I."

After mulling it over for a few minutes in silence, Charlie asked another question. "Are you glad we're having a baby?"

"Uh-huh." Adam was tired, and his voice was drifting off. Charlie nudged him with her elbow and repeated the question. "I'm glad," he smiled.

"Do you hope it's a boy, like Shirley wants?"

"I'd settle for another talkative girl in the family," chuckled Adam, "though heaven help her future husband when he wants to go to sleep!"

"I think we're having a boy," Charlie informed him.

"You do? What makes you say that?"

"Just a feeling I have."

Playfully, Adam reached beneath Charlie's sensitive underarm and started tickling her. "And what does your feeling tell you now?" he teased.
continued on next page...
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