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"You knew that, the moment you told Kevin to find the woman and her daughter," Charlie smiled. "There's no need for us to stay any longer, Adam. Let's go home."

After one day and one night in the hospital, Adam took his family home to Villa Rosa. They were enthusiastically greeted by Vera and Mrs. Freemont, and the two elderly women cooed and made such a fuss over Matthew, that Adam was unable to get their babytalk out of his head for several hours afterward.

That night, after the baby had been put in his crib, Charlie went to bed while Adam stayed up and read his Bible. He was having trouble sleeping again, but this time, it wasn't because of insomnia.

While Charlie peacefully slept at his side, Adam paged through the Bible until he came to the book of Ruth. He had given Charlie a verse from Ruth when she was about to give birth to Matthew, and the verse had struck a cord in Adam's heart.

Carefully getting out of bed so he wouldn't disturb Charlie, Adam went to the closet and retrieved a used tablet of paper from one of his travel bags. Then he tiptoed back to bed and by the light of the small bedside lamp, began to write down his thoughts.

Early morning light streamed through the curtains of the sliding glass door, casting its soft hues on the occupants in the bed. Charlie moaned sleepily and rolled onto her side, not willing that the day should come so soon. She had nursed and changed Matthew only an hour ago, and was happy to hear him still asleep in his crib.

Enjoying the comfort of the warm sheets, Charlie snuggled her face into her pillow. Something crackled against her ear as she moved, and Charlie reached beneath her pillow to see what it was.

To her wonderment, Charlie pulled out a folded piece of paper with her name on it. She immediately recognized Adam's handwriting, and unfolded it to see what it said.

"My dearest Charlie," the letter read, "I can't sleep, but this time, you're the one to blame. Besides your grandmother's babytalk, a passage from the Bible has been repeating in my head, and I felt the need to write you this letter."

Charlie glanced at the sleeping man beside her before continuing.

"You were in such great pain at the time, you probably don't remember-- but I do. You had asked me for a promise from the Bible, and for some reason, the only passage I could think of came from the book of Ruth."

"I remember," Charlie mused to herself. Her voice was hushed, but it stirred Adam from his sleep. Silently, Adam watched Charlie read his letter.

"I've just finished reading Ruth in its entirety, and now I know why I thought of it," the letter continued. "In chapter three, Boaz tells Ruth, '... thou hast shewed more kindness in the latter end than at the beginning, inasmuch as thou followedst not young men, whether poor or rich.' I don't know how old Boaz was, but from these words, I know he wasn't young."

Charlie peeked over the letter and looked at Adam. His eyes were still closed.

"Like Boaz, I'm honored to have a wife who loves me in spite of myself. I'm not as young as you, and yet you love me as fully and as completely as any man could wish. I may be wealthy, but it's not because of money. It's because of you, Charlie-girl. You, and now Matthew. If happiness is any measure of wealth, then I'm the richest man I know!" The letter was signed, "Adam."
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