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"It's called 'fly fishing,'" explained Terry. "Beautiful, isn't it? When our Abby presents the fly, it's pure poetry. Would you like to see how it's done?"

Jake shook his head "no," but continued to watch.

"Come on," coaxed Terry, leading the guest toward Abby.

"Hold it, Abby!" called out Terry, halting Abby's casting, for she was using a hook, and it was not safe to come up behind an angler, unawares.

Abby adjusted her green cap, and patiently waited for them to pass so she could resume her casting. The wind was beginning to pick up a little, and, as it usually did, it began to tug at her long black hair. Not wanting it to get in her way, Abby took off her cap and rolled her hair into a bun, before placing the cap firmly back on her head. It was only then, that Abby realized that Terry was bringing Jake over to her!

"This is our Abby," introduced Terry.

Abby nodded her hello, and continued to play the slack line on her fly rod.

"Why don't you show Jake how to backcast?" suggested Terry.

Abby flashed Terry a what-are-you-trying-to-get-me-into glare and adjusted her cap once more.

"Have you ever fly fished?" she asked Jake.

When Jake gave her a blank stare, she realized that the question was a silly one. After all, there's not many chances to fly fish in prison.

"Here," said Abby, handing him her rod, "hold it this way."

Seeing that Jake had finally found something which seemed to interest him, Terry backed off and returned to John, who was intently watching the two young people.

"She's teaching him how to backcast," explained Terry, turning around to also watch. "It was good that you invited him, John."

John prayed he was doing the right thing. On the one hand, he wanted to help Jake; on the other hand, he wanted to protect his daughter. He asked God to guide his family in the way that they should go, and trusted to the Almighty's Providence.

"I [Jake] being in the way, the LORD led me to the house of my [landlord's] brethren."
~ Genesis 24:27 ~

"Is she teaching him how to fly fish?" asked a male voice.

John turned to see Tyler coming to meet him, but his eyes were on Abby and Jake.

"She's trying to," replied Terry.

"Glad you could come, Tyler," greeted John.

"Thanks for asking me," he replied.

The three men watched as Abby made forward and backward motions with her wrists, while Jake did his best to keep up with her.

"So, that's the ex-convict," muttered Tyler, with a heavy sigh. "Mr. Johannes, lately with Abby, I never know if I'm coming or going. Is he the reason why she's so uncertain?"

"They only just met, Tyler," replied John, hesitant to give more of an opinion based on his prejudice of wanting Abby to marry Tyler.

"Izzy's calling you," said Terry, getting John's attention. "I think it's time to start up the firepit."

Back on the beach, Jake tried one or two casts by himself. On the second cast, he was startled by a sudden jerk on the line! Not knowing what else to do, he promptly handed the fly rod to Abby.

continued on next page...
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