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"I know, but tell that to the 'Daily Trash'!" exclaimed Melvin.

"You mean what happened last night is already in the tabloids?" groaned Adam, in disbelief.

"No, but it will be, tomorrow," answered Melvin. "I just had a call from one of their reporters, asking if we had any comment. I, of course, denied the whole thing, but that's what's going to be printed. And another thing, why didn't you tell me about the engagement ring?"

"You already know about that, too?" asked Adam in amazement.

"I read it on one of your fansites," shrugged Melvin. "Someone is supposedly updating it live from outside your house. But, it's a sorry day when your own publicist is the last to know! I might have been able to soften the media circus this is generating!"

"I doubt that," said Adam.

"Well, I would have tried," smiled Melvin.

Just then, Adam's satellite phone rang.

"Hello?" answered Adam. "Hi, Bill! What's the word on that bodyguard?"

"Have pity, and open the door!" pleaded Bill, over his cell phone. "We're getting mobbed out here!"

Adam quickly hung up and ran to the front door to let Bill in.

"I've brought the bodyguard!" announced Bill, ducking through the open door with another man.

"I didn't expect you to bring him, personally," greeted Adam. "But, I'm thankful you came anyway."

"I told you that the media wouldn't leave you alone for an entire week," warned Bill, as another cry of "Wal-lace!" went through the crowd. "Adam, this is Kevin Baker," introduced Bill, nodding a hello to Melvin, who was busy talking on his cell phone.

Adam shook hands with the rugged, broad shouldered man, silently noting what a strong grip he had.

"Kevin has a lot of experience with high profile cases," continued Bill, "and he comes highly recommended by his former clients."

"You're going to be guarding a sixteen year old woman, Kevin," said Adam, a little uncertainly. "Are you going to be comfortable with that?"

"You're the fiancé, Mr. Shipley," replied Kevin, with a tooth-capped smile. "If it's good with you, then I'm okay."

"Here's his resume," said Bill, handing a folder to Adam.

"You're an ex-Navy SEAL?" exclaimed Adam in surprise, glancing over the resume. "What made you become a bodyguard?"

"Better pay," answered Kevin.

"He's licensed to carry a concealed weapon in the state of California," informed Bill.

"You have my word, Mr. Clark," promised Kevin, "I'll get in the way of anyone who wants to harm Miss Overholt. You can count on me to do my job."

"As far as I'm concerned, you're a Godsend," said Adam, handing the resume back to Bill, "but the final decision rests with Charlie. She's the one you're going to be protecting. Charlie!" he called to the kitchen, "could you come here for a moment?"

"What is it?" asked Charlie, coming into the living room, with a partially eaten apple in her hand. "Hi, guys!" she greeted, seeing Bill and Melvin. "When did you both arrive?"

"Charlie," said Adam, "this is Kevin Baker. I want him to be your bodyguard."

"Good to meet you, Miss Overholt," said Kevin, stepping forward and shaking Charlie's free hand.

For a minute, Charlie didn't know what to say.
continued on next page...
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