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While Emma leaned from the entrance to clean the kettle in the snow, Mary played with her doll, lovingly rocking it to sleep as though it were a baby. In a hushed lullaby, Mary quietly sang "Amazing Grace," her small voice filling the lodge with sweet melody.

Emma saw Josiah's eyes close. At first, she thought he had fallen asleep, but when a tear slid down Josiah's cheek, she knew he was listening to Mary's hymn.

"Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

"'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear,
The hour I first believed."

Josiah brushed something wet from his face as Mary finished her soft lullaby. Kissing her doll, Mary gently tucked it in bed and wished it goodnight.

"It's time you got in bed, yourself," Emma told Mary.

"But, I am not sleepy."

Leaning toward Mary, Emma whispered, "Your pa and I need some time to ourselves. I'll let you stay up late, tomorrow."

Disappointed, Mary bowed her head. "I sleep by myself?"

"Are you trying to make me feel guilty?" Emma chucked a finger under Mary's chin, and the girl smiled. "You'll have your doll to keep you company. Come, let me hear you say your bedtime prayer."

In her usual custom, Mary listed off her prayer requests. This time, instead of asking God to "save Pa's soul," Mary changed it to "thank you for making Ma smile again."

The prayer over, Emma kissed Mary's cheek. "Goodnight, Little One."

After stoking the fire so it would last the night, Emma crawled to Josiah's bed. He sat quietly staring into the flames, his face deep in thought.

"Would you move over to make room for me?" asked Emma, for he was in the middle of the bed.

Grunting, Josiah scooted against the wall of the lodge, giving Emma the warmer side next to the cozy fire. He didn't move as Emma climbed beneath the covers and made herself comfortable.

"Aren't you tired?" asked Emma.

"I reckon."

"Are you coming to bed?"

He looked at Emma's yellow braids as she took out her hairpins for the night. Avoiding Emma's eyes, he turned back to the fire.

continued on next page...
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