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"I want to get you back home before your mother notices you are missing." He paused, "If she asks you where you have been, tell her you were with 'a friend.' The last thing I want, is for you to get in trouble. Which reminds me, you had better go to the ladies' room and change back into your uniform. Show your mother the dress, when you think it's safe." Izumi sat silently. She had forgotten about Anna. A cold shiver went up her back. It was going to be hard to go back home. John sensed what she was feeling.

"'When a man's ways please the LORD, He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him,'" (Proverbs 16:7) he encouraged. Izumi smiled sadly and went to the ladies' room. She soon returned in her school uniform. John touched her sleeve. "Good, it's dry." He got up and paid the bill. They stepped out into the cool evening air, inhaling the fresh breeze that blew in gusts about them. They started walking back to Izumi's home.

"You don't look like a child anymore, even it that school uniform," he observed outloud. Izumi's heart was filled to the brim. She had had the happiest birthday of her entire life.

"Thank you for the birthday lunch, and the blue dress, John. This was the happiest day of my life!" She looked up at the sky and began counting the faint stars that were fast appearing with the approach of night. Anything was possible, today. John smiled weakly, refusing to take part in Izumi's happy spirit. He knew, from observation, that her mother could put out any happiness Izumi was feeling right now, with very little effort. The closer they reached her home, the more John grew concerned. When her home was finally in view, John pulled her aside.

"Do you see that yellow house?" he asked, pointing in the direction of the beach. Izumi nodded. It was the same house she had been admiring, yesterday. "If you ever need help, go there. That's where I live," he added, by way of an explanation. John searched his left hip pocket, and pulled out a small card. "These are some verses that I claim when I'm afraid. Take it," he said, shoving it into her hand. "Remember, you are a child of God. He will NEVER forget you... and neither will I," he added quietly.

"Now go." John pushed her away, and watched her form disappear behind the front door of her home.

As he saw the door close, he whispered, "God, protect her."

"Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the [daughter] of her womb? yea, [she] may forget, yet will I not forget thee."
~ Isaiah 49:15 ~

end of chapter
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