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My policy is to follow the Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12); I hate spam too, and will never sell or give away your email address.
"Come, Mary," said Emma, beckoning the child to lay down in front of her to keep warm.
Mary didn't budge, but sat on the other side of the lodge, staring at Josiah's arm. It was around Emma.
Josiah's arm moved, and Mary scrambled to join Emma.
Sandwiched between Josiah and Mary, Emma covered everyone with Mary's two blankets. After making a few adjustments to get comfortable, Emma kissed the top of Mary's head goodnight.
"What about me?" asked Josiah.
"I'm not messing up everyone, just to turn around and give you a kiss," Emma laughed softly. Reaching for Josiah's hand, she tenderly pressed her goodnight kiss into his palm.
When morning came, Josiah stirred to find Emma awake. Propping himself up on one elbow, he leaned forward to see her face.
"How's yer back?" he asked.
With a small whimper, Emma's voice struggled to sound hopeful. "The tea helped me sleep, but I'm afraid the pain's returned with a vengeance."
"Yer probably just stiff," said Josiah, for their small quarters restricted movement. He shifted one leg, and found his own muscles painfully tight. "Tell Mary to get up so we can start moving."
The girl yawned at Emma's gentle coaxing, but it wasn't fast enough for Josiah. Reaching over Emma, he shook Mary by the shoulder.
"Please," asked Emma, "not so rough."
"I ain't waiting any longer, Mary. Get on yer hands and knees and move over."
Still dazed with sleep, Mary did as she was told without complaint.
Josiah helped Emma to sit up, her face wincing as she straightened her sore back.
"Do you feel any stronger?" asked Josiah.
"I don't know yet," Emma shook her head wearily. "I was hoping this sore back would go away."
"It'll feel better once you start walking," said Josiah.
After Emma scooted over, Josiah crawled to the coat-stuffed doorway to go outside and stretch his limbs. As he removed his coat from the door, he was greeted by a wall of snow. "We're snowed-in," he told the girls.
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