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"Do you mean that others in our family have it-- other than Daddy and Grandpa?" exclaimed Charlie.

"Your Great-Grandpa had Alzheimer's Disease," informed Vera.

"Alzheimer's Disease runs in our family," explained Chuck. Charlie was becoming frightened. If her Great-Grandpa had Alzheimer's Disease, and her Grandpa had Alzheimer's Disease, and her father had Alzheimer's Disease, could she be next? Charlie didn't really want to know the answer. It was too terrifying to contemplate.

"I think I'll clean my room, now," she announced, leaving the table abruptly. Activity was what Charlie needed. This was all too much to deal with at one time. She would do what her grandmother said-- she would sort it all out later.

"Thank you for helping, Pumpkin," called out Vera. "You're a treasure!"

"She's never cleaned her room in her entire life," observed Chuck, "without me on her case, first."

"Son, your daughter is growing up," pointed out Vera.

"I know, Mom," responded Chuck, sadly. "I just wish she didn't have to grow up so fast."

Reality had hit Charlotte Overholt like a ton of bricks. She was sure that nothing would ever be the same, again. Oh, that she would have the confidence that only comes from resting in Christ Jesus! Then she would have known that when God closes one door, in faithfulness, He opens another. Even though Charlie didn't understand this, a certain plumber did. The Overholt family had long been in his prayers. Even now, his prayer was that Charlie would surrender to God; absolute and total surrender; only then would she find peace. Charlie very much reminded Adam of Matthew eleven: "Come unto Me [Christ], all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light."

After lunch, Vera called Dr. Gillis and told him of Chuck's episode. He informed her that the nausea and dizziness were most likely side effects of the new drug. However, since the side effects were usually mild and temporary, it was in the doctor's good opinion that they should give it some more time before pulling Chuck off of the medication.

"Give it a while longer, Mrs. Overholt," advised Dr. Gillis, "after all, it's only the first day."

"Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?"
~ Jeremiah 8:22 ~

end of chapter
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