"The Greatest of These," by Judith Bronte, is the story
of a young woman who's father is diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease.
When she learns of an experimental operation that may be able to reverse Alzheimer's
Disease, she seeks it out for her father.
Legal Disclaimer: The characters and events depicted in this story are fictitious,
and should not to be interpreted as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The author
is not a medical doctor, and used omentum transposition as a plot element in "The
Greatest of These" in a manner that may not necessarily be the case for most
people with Alzheimer's Disease. Consult your doctor before making any decisions.
See the links below to learn where you can get more information about omentum transposition.
Information Concerning Omentum Transposition and Alzheimer's
While the alzwell.com website no longer exists, the link above will let you view it using the Wayback Machine via http://web.archive.org/.
Paperback. Written by Betty Weiss. 384 pages. Available at Amazon.com.
"Read the information provided here and make up your own mind." - excerpt
Paperback. By Harry S. Goldsmith, M.D. 223 pages. Available at Amazon.com.
Alzheimer's Disease Resources:
- Alzheimer's Association
- Family Resource Guide To Alzheimer's Disease
- Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral (ADEAR) Center
"The risk of developing the disease doubles every 5 years over age 65. Several studies estimate that up to half the people older than 85 have AD." - excerpt
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Paperback. Written by William Rodman Shankle, M.S, M.D., and Daniel G. Amen, M.D. 304 pages. Available at Amazon.com.