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"Charlie?" asked Adam. "Constance just emailed me some pictures of the place she tells me you looked at today. I can hardly believe it, but she says two other buyers are interested."

"I know it doesn't look like much," conceded Charlie, "but it has a lot of possibilities! Oh, Adam, I wish you could have seen it in person! I already have some ideas for the doors and lighting, that would make the house look fantastic!"

"Constance tells me it's out in the middle of nowhere," mentioned Adam, as though he hated to rain on her excitement.

"There's miles and miles of Mojave on every side of the estate," agreed Charlie, "and it's just beautiful! It's only an hour and a half drive from Twin Yucca, and most of that is on paved road. Besides, I think it might be best if we didn't live near any neighborhoods, given our propensity to large unexpected crowds."

"Do you want this, Charlie?" asked Adam.

"Not if you don't," she replied, adamantly.

"I don't have time to think this through," he said, "so if you're this excited, then I say go for it."

"What, no debating?" asked Charlie, in surprise. "I had several arguments all prepared!"

"I want you to be happy," said Adam.

"I could be happy living in a one room apartment, if it was with you," answered Charlie, truthfully. "I don't want you to be sorry that you let me make this decision. I have to tell you, that since the villa needs so much work, the bill for this project will probably be high; and Constance said the two other buyers might drive the initial price up."

"I think we can afford it," chuckled Adam. "You have my blessing, if you want to go through with it."

"Thank you, Adam!" cried Charlie, excitedly bubbling with eagerness. "I'll try not to get you too involved with the renovation, so you can work on your music! There's no way it will be done in time for the wedding, so we might have to live in a trailer on the property. It's either that, or go live with your sister. Her home is far enough from town, that I don't think it would be as big a problem with your fans."

"I'm okay with the trailer idea," said Adam, not needing any time to think it over. "I'm for anything that let's us be alone together."

"Not so loud," hushed Charlie, "someone might hear you!"

Adam laughed, making her more confident that he wasn't feeling pressured into any decisions about the house.

"Charlie-girl," he sighed happily, "don't ever change!"

After they hung up, Adam related to Bill what was happening in Southern California.

"From the pictures you're showing me," observed Bill, "you're buying a dump!"

"She's happy," replied Adam, "that's the important part. And things that help stimulate her mind, have to be an asset. Charlie's genetic counselor said that mental stimulation might help fight the progression of the disease. I'm willing to try anything, Bill-- even living at Villa Rosa!"

Back at the motel in the Mojave, Charlie was getting on the phone with Constance.

"Is it still available?" asked the young woman, hoping against hope that she wasn't too late.

"Yes, it is," replied Constance, surprised at how quickly Charlie was getting back in touch with her. "Have you made a decision, already?"

"I talked it over with Adam," said Charlie, "and we want Villa Rosa. He said to go as high as it takes to outbid the others."

Constance was silent for a moment. She guessed that Adam was only going along with this, because his infatuation with Charlie was blinding him from good judgment. But, her business was real estate, and not Adam Clark.

"I'll contact the owner and close escrow as soon as possible," relented Constance. "There will be some papers you and Adam have to sign."

"That's great!" exclaimed Charlie. "Will you let me know as soon as it's official? I'm a little nervous we won't get it!"

"I'll call you as soon as it's settled," assured Constance, before hanging up.

When Charlie got off the phone, she smiled happily at her grandmother.

"I can't believe it's happening, Grandma!" the teenager beamed. "I know you don't think much of Villa Rosa, right now, but just wait until I'm done with it!"

"The wastes shall be builded."
~ Ezekiel 36:10 ~

end of chapter
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