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Chapter Twenty-one
Love Endureth All Things

"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold."
~ Proverbs 22:1 ~

Almost immediately after Izumi had discovered that she was to be a mother, she set about, as John put it, "feathering her nest." Izumi was determined to make a good mother. She tacked two lists upon the inside of her closet door. One was for every promise in the Bible that concerned children, and parenting. The other, was an ever growing list of baby names. Everyone had their favorite name for the baby. Izumi's favorites, for now at least, were "John Jr." if a boy, and "Sabrina" (the name of John's mother), if a girl. John, however, had suggestions of his own.

"How about 'Jonathan' or 'Izumi'?" suggested John, hiding a smile. Izumi shook her head,

"One 'Izumi' in this house is enough."

"If you think that, then promise me not to name the baby 'John Jr.'" Izumi conceded. Even Terry had a few suggestions.

"How about 'Abigail,' after King David's wife, and 'Caleb,' after Joshua's good friend in the Bible?"

"I think you are on the right track," said John hopefully.

From that day on, whenever they read their Bibles, more names were added to the list. Everyday the list grew longer and longer. The baby's name was not the only thing that Izumi worked at. She reorganized the bedroom, to make room for a crib. John offered to clear out his computer room for the baby, but Izumi was set against it.

"I want the baby nearby at all times," she insisted, "not in another room."

"You might change your mind when it won't sleep at night," warned Terry. Nevertheless, Izumi stood firm. She also got John to put childproof latches on all the cupboards that a small child might reach.

"Dove, it's too early to think of things like this. The baby hasn't even been born!"

"I want to get everything I can, done now, before my second trimester," explained Izumi. "Dr. Chambers said since this is my first pregnancy, I shouldn't take chances. Please, John, do it now?"

"Only for you," he smiled. While John and Terry worked in the computer room at their computers, Izumi made new white curtains for the bedroom windows. She bought maternity clothes and laid in a supply of diapers. She eagerly awaited her ninth week, for the doctor had said, that with an ultra sound, they could determine the sex of the baby. On the appointed day, Izumi brought John to the doctor with her, and together, they watched the small monitor that could see inside her womb.

"Congratulations," said Dr. Chambers happily, "it's a girl!" Izumi beamed with delight, as John gently squeezed her hand.

"Now I'll have two doves," he whispered in her ear. The next morning, before even saying 'Good morning' to John, Izumi ran to the bathroom.

continued on next page...
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