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"Maybe the strange surroundings are scaring her," suggested Charlie.

"Excuse me?" asked Sherri, her voice quickly becoming imperious. "Do you have a child? Are you going to tell me how I should take care of my own baby?"

Charlie backed off, going to her bed to look at some home decorating magazines that could give her designing ideas for Villa Rosa.

"I have to use the bathroom," said Sherri, coming to Charlie's bedside. "Hold Eliza for a minute."

Charlie held the child while Sherri disappeared into the bathroom.

"Aren't you just a little sweetheart," cooed Charlie, as the baby's large eyes gazed into hers.

"Wh-whaaaaa!" cried the girl, struggling to escape this stranger's arms.

As Charlie tried to keep her hold on the wriggling child, Eliza sneezed straight into the teenager's face.

"Thank you," Charlie smiled grimly. "I needed that."

Soon after, Sherri came back and retrieved her daughter. Charlie washed her face and returned to her magazines, while Eliza continued to scream in the background.

Minutes later, the seventeen year old received a phone call from Adam on her satellite phone. Not wanting to talk in front of Sherri, she went to Vera's empty hotel room.

"Okay, I can talk now," said Charlie. "What's up?"

"Are you sure no one can hear you?" asked Adam, his voice uneasy and embarrassed.

"I'm sure," affirmed Charlie. "Why do you ask?"

"Remember the conversation we had recently," asked Adam, in a hushed voice, "where we talked about me having a vasectomy? I just saw a doctor, and it turns out that I don't need one, after all. The doctor ran some tests and discovered that I have something called azoospermia. It means there's no sperm in my semen. Charlie, I can't have children."

"I don't understand," she replied.

"I had a severe case of mumps when I was in college," related Adam. "The doctor says I can... you know... just like any other guy, but I can't father children."

"I see," said Charlie, trying hard not to make Adam feel somehow inferior because of this diagnosis. "This is good news, then. It solves our problem."

"You're not disappointed?" asked Adam, still a little concerned how she would take the news.

"We agreed that we weren't going to have any kids," answered Charlie, "remember? My babies would have a fifty percent chance of inheriting Alzheimer's Disease, and spreading it to yet another generation. In a way Adam, I'm glad to hear that you're not giving up anything to be with me. I was feeling guilty about depriving you of children, even though you assured me that I would be enough for you."

"I'm not being deprived of anything," said Adam in a loving voice. "In a few days, you're going to be in my arms, and this tour will be a thing of the past. Oh, Charlie! I love you! I've told it to myself a hundred times, and it never ceases to amaze me! As long as you love me back, then I'll always be satisfied!"

When Charlie returned to her room, baby Eliza was still screaming her lungs out.

"Was that him?" asked Sherri, curiously.

Charlie nodded her head in the affirmative, but remained silent about their conversation; it was private and personal, only between Adam and herself.

The next few days were busy with dress fittings, the wedding rehearsal (where someone stood in for the absent groom), and last minute meetings with Shirley, over the wedding. Aunt Angela had hoped to take over some aspect of the wedding for which she could take credit for, but Shirley would brook no opposition. She had been planning this wedding for months, and wasn't about to let go of control just days before the wedding. Charlie had not said anything to her about making room for her aunt, so Shirley acted accordingly.
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