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The car slowed down, and Kevin found a place to stop on the side of the road.

"What happened?" asked Charlie, as Adam looked her over to see if she was hurt.

"I almost hit a caribou!" exclaimed Kevin, looking over at Chad and then at his passengers in the back seat. "Is everyone all right?"

"Charlie's head nearly hit the window," breathed Adam in relief, "but I think we're both okay. Chad, how about you?"

"I'm fine," grinned the boy, looking back at his uncle with excited blue eyes. "Thanks for taking me on this trip, Uncle Adam! This is more fun than I thought it'd be!"

Adam and Kevin exchanged weary glances, and then the SUV got back onto the road.

After thanking God for yet another deliverance, Charlie reached for the textbook that had dropped onto the floor by her feet.

While Kevin and Chad sat up front, remarking about the scenery and talking over this and that, Adam rested his head on the back of his seat and watched the trees pass them on the highway. Having just spent several months on tour, he wasn't as eager to play the tourist, though for Chad's sake, he tried. Instead, his eyes kept returning to Charlie, who was quietly reading her book.

Adam didn't say a word, but when Charlie found it difficult to keep from smiling, he knew she was aware of his gaze. Without giving Adam the satisfaction of entirely pulling her attention away, Charlie redoubled her efforts, and kept studying.

With a happy sigh, Adam closed his eyes and dozed off. It wasn't until a few hours later, that he felt Charlie nudging his shoulder.

"You won't be able to sleep, tonight," she warned him.

Charlie quickly regretted mentioning his sleeping habits, for she saw a familiar look of frustration briefly cross his face before it vanished in a patient smile.

"I'll be fine," he assured her.

The clouds melted the further on they drove, and Charlie could now read her textbook, more easily.

Near lunch time, Kevin spotted a drive-through, so they stopped for food.

"Let's find someplace we can get out and stretch our legs," suggested Adam, as Chad began to pass out their lunch and drinks in the vehicle.

"How about over there?" asked Charlie, pointing to a shady area near a large body of water. "There's a few cars, but nobody's around. Let's stop there."

Hearing no objections, Kevin pulled over and parked the car under the shade of a tall evergreen. Chad quickly hopped out and sat down on the grass with his lunch.

"I should keep an eye on him," Charlie told the others, before joining him on the ground.

Wanting to keep an eye on Charlie, Adam and the bodyguard promptly followed her.
continued on next page...
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