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"I should warn you about the paparazzi, though," Adam remembered to caution their new general contractor. "They've been a little insistent about getting our picture lately, and you could easily find yourself in the middle of it all. So far, out here has been the only place we've been able to go, to escape them."

"You certainly picked a good location to get away from everything," observed Beppe.

"You can't help it if they follow you," continued Adam, "but try not to let them through the front gates when you come in."

"I'm looking forward to completing Villa Rosa," sighed Charlie, longingly. "We need a place where you don't have to be concerned about who's pressing their faces against your window pane, to take a picture of your private life!"

The longer Beppe talked with Adam and Charlie, the more he realized the practicality of what they needed from Villa Rosa. From that day on, Beppe was incessantly on the telephone with Charlie. There were so many things to plan, that it nearly brought Charlie to tears just thinking about it all. But with Adam encouraging her forward, the young woman was determined to make a home for Adam and the rest of her family.

The day the second mobile home arrived, was a big event for Charlie. Beppe had hired movers to bring some of Vera and Chuck's belongings from Jerome's place in Twin Yucca, and drive it out to Villa Rosa. The rest would have to wait for the main house to be finished, for there just wasn't enough room in the mobile homes for everything. Even Adam was waiting for the remainder of his things from his house in town. For the time being, he had to content himself with his piano, and found that he could be patient much easier, now that he had his music back.

Charlie hurried to put Vera's bedroom into order, and then Chuck's. Now that Adam's piano filled the first living room, Charlie was suddenly grateful for the second one. They had even left a door separating the two living rooms, so Vera and Chuck wouldn't disturb Adam while he was at his piano.

Kevin tried to stay out of the way as furniture and boxes of clothing were carried through the front door. Even Adam found himself underfoot more than once, and soon had to join Kevin, while Charlie managed the move.

Then, Jerome arrived with Vera and Chuck from Twin Yucca. Jerome sneered when he saw the rundown state of the mansion, and silently congratulated himself for not standing in the way of Adam and Charlie's marriage. Charlie was already beginning to punish Adam, and Jerome knew that this was just the beginning. The nursing home administrator smiled grimly as he climbed into his car and left. Finally, he had a reason to be glad over the Overholt family curse.

This was Vera's second time to see Villa Rosa, and while she was a little apprehensive about the future of its renovation, she was grateful to not be living by herself any more. Vera would have been the last to admit it, but she felt better knowing that there was someone in the house besides Chuck, should she need assistance.

While Charlie helped her grandmother to unpack into her new bedroom, Adam tried to situate Chuck in front of a television set in the second living room. Bewildered by the change of his surroundings, Chuck became belligerent, and wildly waved his arms at Adam in protest.

"Charlie!" shouted Adam, as Chuck continued to flail his limbs. "What should I do?"

The two women appeared from Vera's bedroom to see what was wrong.

"I can't get him to quiet down," explained Adam, in a rather helpless voice.

"Chucky," soothed Vera, carefully approaching her confused son. Managing to take him by the arm, Vera led him to a rocking chair and coaxed him to sit down. Patiently, she began to push the rocking chair back and forth, until he was doing it on his own. "There," sighed Vera, "that should keep him happy for a while."

Sadly, Adam stared into Chuck's blank face.
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