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"What do you think of this set, Adam?" she asked him over and over.

"Whatever you want," came his irritatingly familiar reply.

With a sigh, Charlie returned to the beginning of the store showrooms, and walked through each one all over again. When Adam responded with the same answer yet again, Charlie tugged at his sleeve and pulled him to one side of the room.

"What's wrong with you?" she sighed. "Don't you have any opinions at all?"

"Whatever you choose will be fine with me," insisted Adam. He affectionately touched her hand and smiled. "I want you to have your heart's desire."

"I already do," she gazed at him with sincere brown eyes. "I've got you."

"You look very kissable right now," he grinned playfully.

"What about the living room?" she pressed.

"What about it?" shrugged Adam.

"Do you like it?"

"I guess so."

"Did you see anything else you liked more?"

Adam scratched his head. "To be honest, they're all beginning to look alike."

"How can you say that?" sighed Charlie. "They're completely different!"

"Couldn't we just buy six sets of the same showroom, and get it over with?" he suggested.

At this, Charlie smiled wryly. "We spent millions of dollars renovating Villa Rosa, and you want to turn it into a hotel with all the rooms looking alike?"

"When you put it that way," he admitted, "I guess they should be different."

"I want you to be comfortable in your own home," Charlie explained. "Even Kevin had an opinion of what he liked and disliked! You, on the other hand, seem to be happy with a box and crate!"

"I don't want to influence your decisions."

"Please, influence me!" she begged.

"All right, if that's what you want," he agreed. Adam looked at the couch nearby with a critical eye. "The material is scratchy, and the first drink I spill, will show for miles."

"There!" Charlie cried happily. "Was that so hard? Let's go back to the showroom before this one. The furniture had very good upholstering..." she grabbed Adam's hand, and led the man away.

Since Adam was at last voicing his opinions, Charlie was much more confident in the furnishings she finally settled on for the main house. Now that she was on a roll, the bedroom sets for the bungalows came in easy succession. Thankfully, Adam continued to share his thoughts with Charlie, so the decision for their master bedroom wasn't as difficult as she had feared. After picking out the last two bedrooms for the main house, Charlie was ready to look at the dining rooms.
continued on next page...
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