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"Happy anniversary," Chuck smiled.

"Don't tell me he remembered," Adam whispered to Charlie.

"No," she smiled, "but I did. Just set the tray here, Daddy."

"Thank you, Chuck," Adam smiled as he looked at the breakfast they had prepared. "Charlie, most of this doesn't look like things we can eat," he hungrily declared.

"I can't eat it, but you can," she answered, pouring Adam a glass of juice and then one for herself. "Thank you, Daddy. Why don't you go help Grandma make beds?"

"Okay," sighed Chuck, glancing again at the nightstand where a wedding frame had been placed. Charlie and Adam were married, so it was all right if he left them in a bedroom together.

After her father had gone, Charlie went to the door and closed it. Then she sat down on the bed and Adam said a prayer over their breakfast.

"Bless us in the coming years, and thank you for the one we've already shared," prayed Adam. "Make it to be only the first of many, Lord." His prayer finished, Adam started in on the generous breakfast before him. "I haven't had bacon in ages," he sighed contentedly. "Charlie, I really shouldn't be eating this in front of you."

"I don't care for bacon," she reminded him with a smile. "I'm sorry I called off our date at the hotel."

"You're needed here," Adam shrugged. "Besides, we can go another time."

"Thank you for understanding, Adam."

"Thank you for the bacon," he smiled.

Charlie turned her head to look out the sliding glass door and into their enclosed garden."It's going to be a hot day," she remarked casually.

"Yes, I suppose it is." Adam didn't even bother to look up, for he was too busy working on his bacon and eggs.

Charlie got up from the bed and opened their sliding door all the way, but still, Adam didn't look up.

"The roses smell nice," she remarked, returning to the bed and taking another sip of her orange juice.

"To be honest, I can't smell them over this bacon!" chuckled Adam, helping himself to another strip of crunchy goodness.

Charlie glanced out at the garden and sighed.

"Are you sure you don't want a bite of this?" he offered.


Adam shrugged and returned to his food until Charlie sighed yet again.

"If you want some of this, all you have to do is claim it before I eat it," he chuckled.
continued on next page...
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