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"Thanks," smiled Abby.

For a moment, he lingered in the doorway to watch mother and son, before tearing himself away from the happy scene.

Later that day, the Murphy family started receiving visitors. Dick and his wife Sara were the first to arrive.

"Oh!" gasped Sara, seeing the infant's sweet face for the first time, "he certainly takes after his father!"

"My, I'll say he does," agreed Dick, as Abby offered to let Sara hold the baby. After getting a better look at the newcomer in his wife's arms, Dick took a few steps back and talked with Jake for awhile. "You must be glad it's over," chuckled Dick, his tummy bouncing up and down with each laugh. "You look paler than Abby does! I'm not sure which one had the harder time of it!"

"Abby did," Jake quickly affirmed. "She was in so much pain, I almost passed out."

"So, you hung in there," smiled Dick. "Good for you. I was wondering how you were going to take it. Even thought of offering to stand nearby with a soft mattress, to catch you when you passed out!"

When Jake blushed with embarrassment, Dick moved on to another topic.

"I have an idea of what you and Abby have gone through," said Dick, his voice brimming with pride, "and all the pain you've had to put behind you to get to this day. I'm proud of you, Son. You and Abby are two of the bravest people I know, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart."

Happy beyond words, Jake surprised his former warden with a hearty embrace.

"God is smiling on you and Abby," remarked Dick, "and it does my heart good to see it."

Just as the Doyle's were leaving, a familiar face appeared in the hospital room doorway.

"Mr. Winkler!" cried Abby. "It's so good to see you, again!"

"Your father told me to expect a welcome home surprise," laughed the elderly man, "but I never counted on it being a baby!"

Jake led Mr. Winkler to the bed, and offered him a chair.

"Ah, yes," he mused softly, "the baby has Jake's features, that's certain. But," he asked in a serious tone, "can he fish?" Mr. Winkler looked over his glasses at Abby, his eyes sparkling with merriment.

"Not yet!" she laughed.

After their old boss had a chance to hold Ricky, he sadly looked at the young couple.

"John tells me that you're definitely going to California this summer," he sighed. "Well, I'm happy for you both, but I'll miss having the Murphys in Three Mile Bay."

"I'll miss being here," admitted Abby.

"This college, though," continued Mr. Winkler, "sounds like a very good opportunity for Jake. John showed me the family painting he gave your parents for Christmas, and it was very well done. He's a gifted man."

"Yeah," joked Abby, "who knew?"

Jake gave her leg a playful swat, and then checked to see how Ricky was faring in her arms, for the baby was starting to cry and grasp at Abby's hospital gown.

"I think your son wants his breakfast," chuckled the old man, getting to his feet to leave. "Come by the shop and visit when you have some free time," he offered. "The Murphys are always welcome at the marina."
continued on next page...
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