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My policy is to follow the Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12); I hate spam too, and will never sell or give away your email address.
"A few years after I graduated, Bill Paulson came to see me in Twin Yucca. I confided to him that I was still composing. He listened to the pieces I had completed, and expressed an earnest desire to be my personal manager. He felt convinced that a record label would be interested. I thought about it for over a month, and asked God for guidance. I finally accepted Bill's offer, and gave him a list of stipulations that I would have to have before signing any record deal: firstly, I had to have First Corinthians thirteen somewhere on the album; secondly, I had to be able to use another name and not be bound to make personal appearances or tours; thirdly, that I could not be bound by contract to take any interviews. Bill said no record label would touch me with a ten foot pole if I demanded all that. But, this was the ONLY way I would be willing. I figured that if God wanted it, then it would happen.
"Bill went to Periwinkle Records, and they were very interested, but they didn't like all the stipulations. I don't know how God and Bill worked it, but, miraculously, I was finally signed to do an album. I worked feverishly at night on the album, and by day, at Clark Plumbing Service and Supply. Two years later, 'A Walk in the Rain' debuted. 'Rain' had a lot of critics, and overall, I wasn't very encouraged to try another album. However, Periwinkle Records had enough sells to justify one more.
"It took me five years of composing, and reworking my compositions before I felt I had a good enough album to go public. 'Convergence' was born. It would come to be, of all my albums, one of the best, I feel, I've ever done."
"I totally agree!" smiled Charlie. "It's my all time favorite, and it really deserved all the recognition it received!"
"A week after getting a particularly prominent award for 'Convergence,'" recalled Adam, "an interviewer managed to corner me when I visited Bill at his office in Vermont. I said as little as possible and got out as quickly as I could. I hadn't even attended the awards ceremony in the first place, just so no one would see me! When 'Convergence' won, the presenter accepted it in my name and I thought that was that. But Wallace Shipley was becoming famous, and people wanted to know about the man behind the music. It was very unnerving."
"Donna, my old friend," laughed Charlie, "once told me she watched that awards show, and was so disappointed when you didn't make an appearance! She so wanted to know what you looked like!"
"I released one or two singles," resumed Adam, "but stayed away from doing anything more serious, until Bill suggested that I try a Christmas album. He said Christmas albums usually sold well, so, I decided to give it a try.
"I had no idea how true Bill's words would prove to be. When 'Epiphany,' hit the stores, it was an instant success, and eventually sold over twelve million copies worldwide. Bill and I'd never seen anything like it, and neither had Periwinkle Records. It was just phenomenal."
"I think the reason it did so well," added Charlie, "was because it was considered something highbrow that even the masses could understand."
"I think you're probably right," agreed Adam. "I've never tried to be anything more or less in my music than who I am. If people want to put me high on a pedestal, it's their problem.
"Lastly," he finished, "I released 'Stratification.'"
"And you haven't put out another album in ten years!" scolded Charlie. "I've always wanted to know why you didn't keep it up?"
"Oh, I don't know," hesitated Adam. "I've been having serious doubts that I'll ever be able to do another album. I'm not sure it's in me, anymore."
"That's nonsense!" replied Charlie. "Why, you could no sooner give up music than you could air!"
"I'll have to see," shrugged Adam. "Well, I guess you're up to speed on Wallace Shipley. The only other thing I have to add, is that I never meant to hurt you with this secret. In my own defense, you may not have noticed, but whenever you mentioned Wallace Shipley, I DID try to change the subject as soon as I could."
"I suppose you did," conceded Charlie. "I'm sorry I said the things I did." Charlie shook her head in disbelief. "I still can't believe I'm actually talking to Wallace Shipley!" she exclaimed. "I've dreamed of meeting you for most of my life, and when Grandma asked me for a birthday wish, I blurted out that I wanted an autographed picture."
"I had absolutely no idea that the birthday request lady was your grandma," confessed Adam. "I hate fan mail, so Bill keeps people's names from me."
"I guess the secret's out now," said Charlie, "after what happened this evening. Probably this time tomorrow, everyone in Twin Yucca will know."
"God does everything for a purpose, Charlie-girl," smiled Adam. "Come, I want to show you my music room."
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