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"I'm taking one step at a time, Charlie-girl. Worst case scenario, if I can't, I'll have at least a year to find someplace else," replied Adam.

"You made Twin Yucca feel like home," confided Charlie. "I can't imagine what it's going to be like without you."

"My family is here, and my friends are here," consoled Adam. "I'll always keep in touch, and visit as often as I can. And, hopefully, after the tour, I can still come back here to live. But, whether I can or not, this is something I feel I must do."

"Of course you must," agreed Charlie. "Just imagine all the people you'll meet, and the many chances you'll have for a Christian testimony. Wherever you go, Christ will go with you. It's a very brave thing you're doing."

"At any rate, it's the boldest thing I've ever done," said Adam.

They talked as Adam walked her back home.

"How is Chuck doing?" he inquired, as they neared the Overholt house.

"Not so good," replied Charlie. "He's stopped talking. Maybe it's a mood, maybe he's stopped trying, or maybe it's something more serious. The doctor said that it's possibly the Alzheimer's progressing to the next level."

"It can do that?" asked Adam.

"Alzheimer's Disease effects everyone differently," replied Charlie. "All I know for sure is that it's been days since he's said a word. It's almost like he's on another planet," she sighed.

"Well, here's your house," said Adam. "I'll be sure to give you Bill's number, before I leave."

"I know. I get in touch with him, and he'll get in touch with you," finished Charlie, with a small laugh.

"Shirley is expecting me for dinner tonight," said Adam. "She says that the family needs to be together while we can. By the way, I'm sorry for not showing up last night," he apologized. "Constance and I had a disagreement, and I lost track of the time."

The rest of the week leading up to Friday, was spent in a blur of bittersweet excitement.

The school kids at Galilee, even the ones who didn't know who Wallace Shipley was, were all excited that someone from Twin Yucca was actually going to be interviewed by Norman Jones, and that it was going to air worldwide. Even the teachers, when they passed Charlie in the hall, told her to give Adam their best wishes. Charlie and Chad, who both attended Galilee, were suddenly more popular-- that is to say, everyone noticed them.

At Clark Plumbing Service and Supply, Mike tried hard to work around all the local well-wishers that came in to congratulate Adam. Councilman Stafford, at the request of the Mayor, wondered if Adam would be willing to compose a Twin Yucca anthem, (to which Adam respectfully declined); Mrs. Jacobs brought Adam a pound cake and asked him to autograph her copy of his Christmas album, "Epiphany;" someone even put up a banner under the city welcome sign that read, "Home of Wallace Shipley." Yes, Twin Yucca was finally claiming its place on the tourist map.

The day before Adam traveled to New York for the live interview, a news crew from Los Angeles showed up, attempting to be the first ones to interview Wallace Shipley on camera, thus scooping Norman Jones. Bill and Gary, who were determined to keep it an exclusive first-time-ever interview, secretly flew Adam to Atlanta ahead of schedule. In fact, Adam left so stealthily and without fanfare, that even his family and friends didn't have the chance to say goodbye. Bill and Gary planned to make a few stops before flying back to Twin Yucca, after the interview. Then, they would make plans for the tour. It was more than Charlie could take in.

Friday night, the streets of Twin Yucca were empty. Everyone was in front of their television sets, waiting for Adam's interview.

At home, the Overholts were crowded around the set, while Charlie stuck a tape in the VCR to record the occasion. Even Jerome was present.

"Tonight, I'm speaking with celebrated solo pianist, Wallace Shipley," began the show, "in his first ever television interview."

"Look!" exclaimed Charlie. "There's Adam!"

"If he's nervous, he's hiding it well," observed Vera.

"Quiet," hushed Jerome.
continued on next page...
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