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Vera searched his face for an explanation.

"I told her I loved her," Adam explained, answering Vera's unspoken question.

Now Vera looked pale.

"Do you know what you're saying?" asked the grandmother.

Charlie sat up, her senses returning to her. She waited for Adam's answer.

"Tonight, while I was in front of the piano, I saw the handwriting on the wall," he smiled, referring to the red dress mix-up. "When that happened, it was as if God was trying to tell me what I realized my heart already knew. Vera, you told me to look inside my heart. I did, and that's where I found Charlie-girl."

Charlie reached forward to hug Adam, but he stopped her.

"I must tell you," said Adam, seriously, "I'm not ready to get married. I want to wait at least until next summer, when this tour will be over with. I don't want to act rashly, and absolutely refuse to rush you into a decision that will dramatically affect the rest of your life."

"I'll wait as long as you want," replied Charlie, "but I'll still love you! In fact, by then, I'll love you even more!"

Adam gently touched the side of her face with his hand, and then drew it back.

"Call me," he smiled, tenderly.

It was the first time Charlie had ever seen that expression on his face. It told her what she had longed to hear for so long-- "I love you," "I love you."

"God keep you," said Vera, grasping his hand tightly. "You'll always be welcome in our house!"

Moved to tears, Adam turned to go, so Charlie could not see him weep. He went down the aircraft steps, and watched as the jet started down the runway.

Charlie looked out the window, and watched Adam's form grow smaller and smaller, until she could see him no more.

"And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and He [God] took one of his [Adam's] ribs... And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made He a woman, and brought her unto the man."
~ Genesis 2:21, 22 ~

"My dove, my undefiled is but one; she is the only one of her mother."
~ Song of Solomon 6:9 ~

end of chapter
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