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'We were like them that dream'
"When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing."
~ Psalms 126:1, 2 ~
Huss once wrote, "It is in the nature of truth, that the more we obscure it
the brighter will it become." Today, Adam and Charlie would find this to be
When Charlie and Vera arrived back in Twin Yucca from their trip to Raleigh, North
Carolina, the early Sunday morning sky was still dark. Charlie could hardly wait
to get home, so she could call Adam on the satellite phone. Vera, however, insisted
that her granddaughter go straight to bed, and get some rest, for the teenager had
been too excited to get any sleep on the return flight home.
"Besides," reasoned Vera, "Adam is probably resting right now. Get
some sleep, and you can call him later today."
Little did Vera know, that back in Raleigh, a certain solo pianist had not gotten
a single wink of sleep, either. In fact, Adam was so euphoric, that after church
that day, Gary asked him, with a grinning smile,
"Something happened last night at the airfield, didn't it?"
"I'm in love, Gary!" announced Adam, as they entered Adam's hotel room.
"Did you tell her?" asked Gary, thoughtfully.
"I did," replied Adam. "And I've never been happier in my entire life!"
It was then that Adam noticed the serious look on Gary's face.
"What's the matter?" asked Adam.
"Melvin wants to tell the media the cover story, that the live shot of Charlie
on stage was a mistake, and that your 'real' girlfriend was the woman sitting beside
her," explained Gary.
"Couldn't we just keep it quiet?" asked Adam, nervously.
"You're not ready to come out in public with this, are you?" observed Gary.
"Do I have to announce EVERYTHING to the public?" laughed Adam.
However, Gary wasn't laughing.
"Look," he replied, "I'm your agent-- not your analyst. I only know
how things are going to look to the public. If you aren't forthcoming with the truth,
then they will know you're hiding something. Do you really want to thrust Charlie
into the tabloids, by trying to cover up the fact that you two love each other? You're
famous and she's underage. If you don't talk, this thing is going to blow up, and
when it does, no one will be able to control it-- not even Melvin!"
"I love Charlie," answered Adam, "but I only just told her last night.
I don't know what to tell the media. It's just too soon."
"I can understand that," said Gary, sympathetically, "but the Christmas
concert is going to air for the first time early next month. If you don't want Melvin
to spread around his cover story, then you'd better be ready to answer questions--
and questions WILL be asked!"
"This reminds me," sighed Adam, "of a discussion I once had with my
nephew when he was keeping a serious relationship from his mother. I told him that
nothing excites gossip like a secret."