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Satisfied that the photo-op had been successful, Bill took his entourage into the hotel. Dave followed, occasionally pinching himself to see if he were dreaming.

Not wanting to keep Charlie's expensive jewelry in the hotel room, Adam went to the front desk and requested that they be placed in a safe deposit box.

"This hotel is booked solid for the concert," Bill informed Adam, as they made their way to one of the elevators.

Relieved that she had weathered the storm outside, Charlie was ready to relax, when a man quickly dashed to the elevator, just as the doors were closing. Adam reached out, and stopped the doors in time for the man to make it inside.

"Thanks," he nodded to Adam. "What a crowd, huh?" he ran a hand through his hair and Charlie suddenly recognized who she was sharing an elevator with!

"Hey," he suddenly smiled at Adam, "you're Wallace Shipley, aren't you?" He quickly shook hands with Adam. "I'm--"

"I know who you are," chuckled Adam. "My wife and I have enjoyed your latest album."

"You're familiar with it?" he laughed disbelievingly. "Wow! Wallace Shipley actually listens to my music!"

Charlie fought the urge to pull out the first slip of paper she could find in her purse and get his autograph. By the time she worked up her courage to ask, the elevator doors opened, and Seth Harding disappeared into his room.

"Adam, do you know who you were just talking to?" Charlie gasped in wonderment.

"Of course," smiled Adam. "The greatest concert pianist of my generation. Which way to our rooms, Bill?"

"That was unbelievable!" Dave excitedly whispered to Charlie.

"I can't believe Adam never asked for his autograph!" she lamented.

Bill showed them to their rooms, and Adam expected Charlie to collapse on the bed as soon as she had the chance. Instead, she went to the bathroom to clean up, and was soon ready to go shopping for her dress.

"You don't need it until the day after tomorrow," pointed out Adam, taking off his shoes to lounge around the hotel room.

"Please, Adam?"

"I thought you weren't feeling well," he observed with a small laugh.

Charlie dismissed his concern. "That was in the car," she shrugged.

"All right, if you want, let's go," he smiled, pulling his shoes back on. "I'd better warn the guys." Adam stepped across the hallway and knocked on Kevin's door. "We're going out," he informed the bodyguards.

Kevin nodded, and the two men joined Adam while Charlie checked her lipstick one last time before leaving. Having had the pleasure of escorting Charlie on her last attempt to find a dress, Dave decided to remain at the hotel with Bill.

Once outside, Charlie could hear the fans that had gathered around the hotel entrance to catch a glimpse of Wallace Shipley.
continued on next page...
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