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Their chauffeur hadn't had time to clean the vomit from the floor of the limousine, and he looked anxious to not be yelled at. To his relief, the famous musician didn't blame him for incompetence, and the man relaxed.

To the chant of "Wal-lace, Wal-lace," Adam and Charlie climbed inside their limousine. It wasn't as though Adam didn't appreciate his fans, but their devotion was sometimes a little embarrassing.

"It comes with the territory," he smiled good-naturedly. "Hopefully, they're not just here because of me."

As Adam said this, their limousine passed a man holding a sign with Charlie's name on it, followed by the words, "I love you!"

Charlie groaned and stopped watching the people outside her window. It was too much.

Adam tightly gripped Charlie's hand. "You're not going anywhere without Kevin, do you hear me?" He put a protective arm around his wife and adamantly shook his head. "If you want to practice your driving skills, I'll go with you and Kevin and keep an eye on things from the back seat."

"Adam, I'm sure that man was just one of your overzealous fans. His sign didn't mean anything."

"Maybe not," frowned Adam, "but for every individual like that, there's a hundred more who don't carry signs so I can see them coming. It's not safe, Charlie."

"I won't run off like that again," she promised.

Since the warehouse clothing outlets were popular with shoppers, Charlie had to go to the more exclusive boutiques-- just to escape the possibility of being mobbed by fans. This was not one of those times where Charlie could hope to get away without Adam being recognized; advertisements for the benefit concert were everywhere, and Adam's face was on every one of them.

To save Adam the discomfort of running around from store to store, Charlie tried very hard to not be too choosy when it came to picking a dress. Most gowns were cut so low in front, Charlie never would have dared to wear them outside the bedroom. She finally settled on an elegant black gown, that complimented her figure.

"That dress will look good with diamonds," Adam smiled. "Since we're already out and about downtown Houston, I'd like to do a little shopping, myself."

"This is spur-of-the-moment," she observed in surprise.

"Not exactly," hesitated Adam. "I just thought I'd be picking up my purchase tomorrow, instead of today."

"What are you talking about?" asked Charlie.

Adam wouldn't say, and after they climbed back in the rented wheels, Adam whispered something to the driver up front.

"Sure thing," the driver nodded. "Do you want me to stop and clean the floor, first?" he offered. "I know it can't be smelling too good back there."

Adam laughed, and the driver pulled over to do a little housekeeping. When everything was ready, the limousine made its way down one street after another, before parking in front of an elegant jewelry store.

"Why are we here?" asked Charlie, as Adam helped her out of the car. Kevin and the second bodyguard stayed close at their side as Adam and Charlie went into the fancy store.
continued on next page...
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