...continued from previous page
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Without answering, Charlie started to lie down on the bathroom floor!

"Wait," Adam tried to stop her, "let me carry you back to bed!"

But Charlie was already on the floor, closing her eyes, before Adam could do anything about it. Just then, he heard crying from the bedroom.

"I'm coming, Matthew!" Adam called to his son. He hurried to the crib and lifted out the baby. "Are you doing okay in there, Charlie?" When she didn't respond, Adam rushed back to Charlie's side with Matthew still in his arms. "Charlie?" he gently nudged her arm.

"I'm tired," she mumbled sleepily. "Does the baby need to be fed?"

"Probably," smiled Adam, just glad that Charlie hadn't fainted or blacked out. "As long as you're already down there, let me change your bedding before you return to the bedroom."

Crawling across the bathroom floor, Charlie leaned against the wall while Adam folded a soft towel for her to sit on.

"I must look pretty ridiculous on the floor," whimpered Charlie, as she adjusted her nightgown so Matthew could nurse.

"No, just pretty," smiled Adam, giving his wife a kiss before leaving. "I don't have to tell you not to go anywhere without me, do I?"

"We'll stay put," Charlie agreed. Her bottom was hurting and she didn't know how long she could sit, but she knew Adam needed time to clean the bedroom.

While Charlie heard Adam working, she gazed at the small life in her arms.

"Who do you think he looks like?" Adam called from the next room. "He has your eyes, and I think that mouth came from your side of the family!"

"No," smiled Charlie, "that's the same handsome Clark face I see every time you look at me!"

Adam stuck his head in and grinned. "You think I have a handsome face?"

"As if you didn't already know!" laughed Charlie. Her laughter was quickly cut short by a startling sensation.

"What's wrong?" asked Adam.

"I'm bleeding again," she announced dully.

"I didn't know it had stopped."

"Maybe I'm just noticing it more." Charlie moved her bottom on the folded towel. "I don't know how much longer I can sit here."

Adam quickly disappeared into the bedroom to finish his task. He stuffed all the soiled bedding into trash bags and then made the bed over with clean sheets.

Feeling something wet on her chest, Charlie looked down at the newborn and smiled at his still-bare bottom. "We need to put a diaper on Matthew! He just did a stinky on my nightgown!"
continued on next page...
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