Hi, I'm Sarah Fall, and I've been writing free love stories under the pen name of Judith Bronte since 1998. You'll find over a million words of free romantic fiction here, read by thousands of readers across the world. I hope you'll be one of them.

Romantic Love Stories
Romantic Fiction / Read it for free online!
My newly finished novels are posted a chapter a month for free at JudithBronte.com, and for those who don't want to wait, as for-pay, completed novels at Amazon. Join my announcement list to be notified when I post each new chapter!
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My policy is to follow the Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12); I hate spam too, and will never sell or give away your email address.
MONTHLY CHAPTER installment: "Dandelion Sky"![]() 06/15/2017 The Sequel to Homegrown Dandelions The last chapter of this book is entitled "Chapter Nine: A Dandelion Sky." What's next for Judith? I'm hard at work on my next novel, Steadfast, a historical romance set in 1881, Wyoming. I don't have a release date to give, but when it's ready, I'll let you know on my website and through my announcement list. I look forward to posting my next book! |
![]() After a tragic day years ago, Beth Carter was left to pick up the pieces and move on with her life. But she hasn't. She's shut herself to the world, and has vowed never to love again. Matt Taylor is looking for work, but nothing more. His life is complicated enough with three burdens and a difficult past that won't go away. When Matt arrives at Beth's Garden Nursery to ask for a job, he meets its beautiful owner, and over time, finds something he hadn't expected. Surrounded by plants with fancy names, all Matt has to offer is a scarred heart-- that, and homegrown dandelions. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |

One of my longtime readers, Myra Valcourt, has created a Facebook group just for you! "The Works of Judith Bronte" offers a forum to discuss the stories and characters, and a way to get to know other readers. I hope to see you there!

Original Love Stories: (Listed in the order in which they were started & completed. The newest are at the top.)

A Contemporary Romance
- Total word count: 67,016
- When it was started and finished: Chapter 1 was posted in October 2016, and ended on June of 2017.
Ethan Taylor is the latest over-the-top success to come out of Silicon Valley, but now he must face an even bigger challenge-- the scarred past that has come along for the ride.
Can the mechanic and the nerd find hope in the clear, dandelion sky?

A Contemporary Romance
- Total word count: 525,974
- When it was started and completed: Chapter 1 was posted in December 2009, and ended November of 2013.
Protective of Terry's wounds, John has tried to keep his friend from helping anyone too much, knowing from Terry's former experience as a volunteer hotline crisis counselor that Terry's nightmares would return. Then she arrived in all her painful helplessness-- Madison Crawford with the haunting gray eyes and secretive past, needing to be rescued while claiming to need no one. As Terry tries to help Madison and then becomes involved with her on a more personal level, John's concerns deepen for the dear friend he loves like a brother.
This may be Terry's journey, but Terry won't be making it alone.
What others are saying about "Terry's Journey"... |
"I admit that I do not get involved with many stories and only once have I ever looked forward to reading an author's next book. But Miss Bronte, I have to
admit that over the last 2.5 years, I checked every month, 5 days, 4 days, 3 days, 2 days early for the next installment of your stories in hope that it came
out a little early and so disappointed when it is only on time. I grew tired of researching, dissecting and evaluating writings for literary value and content. I
have grown to love the feeling that you incorporate into your stories and Terry's Journey promises to move you further into a skill that is becoming so very
honed. Thank you for you efforts. Thank you for your heart. Thank you for
sharing your talent. I am sure you have heard this before but it holds true for
me. You have a fan for as long as you care to write or I can see to read. God
Bless you..." - Dwayne
"My whole world came to a full stop, when I opened up my email and saw that
the 1st chapter of Terry's Journey was ready. I sat ready fighting the urge to
scan down to the bottom of the page. Had me on pins and needle, LOVE
IT!!!!" - Doris
"Dear Sarah Fall, I know you must've heard this many a times, but still I would
like to say that I love your full-length novels. I have been enjoying your monthly
written chapters for the past 3 years and I love it! My favourite novel till now is
Abigail's Journey. Every month on the 15th, no matter how much of a tough
study schedule I have, I would make time to sit on the computer and read
another much anticipated chapter of your thrilling novels. I really appreciate
your free novels and I really hope that you would stay by your word and
continue to post free novels on this site. This is just a way to tell you that you
and your works are duly liked and appreciated and you should continue doing
so. =)" - A Reader
3 of 97 comments. See more...

A Contemporary Romance
- Total word count: 246,333
- When it was started and completed: Started writing in August 2008, and posted the first chapter in November 2008. The novel ended in May 2011.
After a tragic day years ago, Beth Carter was left to pick up the pieces and move on with her life. But she hasn't. She's shut herself to the world, and has vowed never to love again.
Matt Taylor is looking for work, but nothing more. His life is complicated enough with three burdens and a difficult past that won't go away. When Matt arrives at Beth's Garden Nursery to ask for a job, he meets its beautiful owner, and over time, finds something he hadn't expected. Surrounded by plants with fancy names, all Matt has to offer is a scarred heart-- that, and homegrown dandelions.
What others are saying about "Homegrown Dandelions"... |
"Let me just say that through this story [Homegrown Dandelions], I have
found myself enraptured by the trials and struggles these seemingly real people face. By putting them
in real situations with wants and needs and not unnatural desires but with the will to fight them, I
have the urge to become more like the characters who I so admire. You're brilliant and remind me of God's
touching hand in every person's life. I love ALL your stories!" - Laura (California)
"You know I've pretty much read all of your free reads and each one captivates me
beyond comprehension. I love your writing style and how all of the books are hard to turn away from. This book
in particular [Homegrown Dandelions] has me sitting on the edge of my seat. Keep it up."
- A Reader
"A chance google search one lazy afternoon had me stumble onto this website years
ago...now it's safe to confess that you've officially got me hooked, gal! I'm presently
reading -Homegrown Dandelions- and what can I add, except that the story's A-W-E-S-O-M-E!! I'm
looking forward to learning a lot from the lives of Matt and Beth...Now I find myself double checking
the website for any updates (inspite of subscribing to your announcement list) even during work hours =)
What's amazing is that these stories are based on the Word of God! It has been a blessing to me...Appreciate it!
Waiting to read the next installment...Y-A-Y, S-A-R-A-H!!"
- A homegrowing dandelion, Vincy (Mumbai, India)
3 of 97 comments. See more...

A Historical Romance
- Total word count: 235,534
- When it was started and completed: March 2007, I started my first historical romance. Chapter 1 was posted July 2007, and the novel ended November 2009.
Through circumstances beyond her control, Emma Perkins suddenly finds herself the wife of a wild and leathery mountain man. His rough and tumble temperament go against her upbringing, and Emma struggles to keep her faith and survive in a land where the animals, and the people, are mountain wild.
What others are saying about "Mountain Wild"... |
"I've read the first 2 chapters of Mountain Wild and was drawn in immediately. I remember
reading the first chapter and thinking this is definitely off the beaten path for Sarah [plot spoilers removed]!! The
life described is so different from what we live today and yet so alike in all its struggles and issues. The story
intrigues and pulls you in and leaves you wanting to read more and more. I began reading Abigail's story around the
time Sarah was halfway through it, and I remember wondering later whether people who had read the first chapter
when it was put up had been drawn in by it and whether they had wanted to come back and read more since I'm sure
not one of them had any inkling of the fantastic story that was about to unfold. Being here for Mountain Wild
since the beginning, I now know that they probably were." - Esther (India)
"I found this website when looking for something to read online in the summer and
truly these stories are just amazing! You hardly get novels like these on the Internet... I don't think I am
going to stop until I have read all your stories. No matter at what part of the story you are you don't want
to stop reading!! Thank you for sharing these books online." - A Reader
"Judith, there is a strength and hope in this chapter [28] that by far outweighs
the dim echo of trouble coming from outside Josiah's encampment. The scenes were so real that in my mind's eye
I could see them gathered around [plot spoiler removed].. I could literally smell the smoke of the campfire and feel
the movement of the wind.. thanks for bringing these characters to life for us, and using them to show the
mercy of the Lord in our lives!!!"
- Myra (Western Canada)
3 of 74 comments. See more...

A Contemporary Romance
- Total word count: 249,271
- When it was written: Between March 2004 and July 2006.
Jake Murphy couldn't stand physical contact.
They were perfect for each other.
New beginnings aren't easy, but no one knows that better than Jake Murphy. When he rents the Johanneses' empty yellow house in Three Mile Bay, he struggles to overcome a painful past and begin a new life outside the prison walls he had known for so long.
Abigail Johanneses' future is secure-- or so she had thought. With the prospect of marriage to a childhood friend and the opportunity to attend college, her life seems already determined. Then the new neighbor arrives, and Abby finds she must learn compassion. As she befriends Jake, she wonders where her future really lies.
What others are saying about "Abigail's Journey"... |
"[I am] an ardent fan of yours through reading your novels on the net... I really
appreciate you and your writings... I have read chapter 15 of Abigail's Journey twice now and it's like I
should go back to read it again. It is so interesting. Thank you for such a good read... What fascinates me
about your writing is that each of your stories are unique. Even the thought pattern and the characters are
distinct and very much natural. One can almost see the person in one's family or neighborhood... Telling you
I enjoyed chapter 17 of Abigail's Journey is an understatement... it's like the story is real... Thanks a lot
for giving me something beautiful to look forward to every month. The chapter was worth waiting for. I smiled
throughout the first pages until the last when I could not be consoled..." - Clara (Nigeria, West Africa)
"Wow I have to say I never thought I'd like to read anything. The story Abigail's
Journey is amazing. I'm hooked. Every month when it's updated I catch a ride to the library and use the
Internet there just to find out what happens next. You are really very good..." - Arica
"Three days ago, my friend introduced me to 'Abigail's Journey'. I remember her
exact words were: 'It is beyond words!'. Not stressing much on what that entailed and being a passionate
reader, I eagerly ventured into page 1 and from there on, I couldn't find the heart to stop. I was eager to
get to the end and at the same time I dreaded the fact that this novel that captured my heart, mind, and soul
would come to a finale and leave behind it emptiness and an insatiable hunger for more. For three nights, I
lived with Abigail and Jake, and walked through this incredible journey of self realization, fear, hurt, love,
passion, empathy, and most importantly a reminder of how Good God Is. I cannot begin to relay the emotions that
hunted me so vigorously, smiling at times and crying at others, all of which while nourishing my heart and
increasing my faith in the Lord. It has renewed my faith in the Lord and how mysterious his Ways are. At many
times in my life, fear and doubt presided within me, leaving so little to hope. But it is through the Lord
that we find strength once more to ask of him to guide us into the light and unto a rock that is higher than
where we are. May God bless you, and always give you the strength to empower and inspire others. I thank God
for you and for your talent and most of all for your faith, without which this would not be possible."
- Maria
"Thank you so much for your beautifully written love stories... I'm totally in
love with 'Abigail's Journey.' It's totally great and I love it to pieces..." - Your # 1 fan, Shaie
4 of 188 comments. See more...

A Contemporary Romance
- Total word count: 370,841
- When it was written: The first 50 chapters of Greatest were written between 2000 and April 2005. It was placed on hold to finish Abigail, then resumed on August 2006, beginning at chapter 51. Finished June 2007.
Charlotte Overholt is used to responsibilities in her teenage life, but they're quickly multiplied when she learns her father has Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease. As "Charlie" adjusts to these changes, she becomes acquainted with her father's good friend, Adam Clark. When Charlie's friendship with Adam blooms into something unexpected, Adam suddenly finds himself in a situation he never dreamt possible.
Middle-aged Adam Clark is a confirmed bachelor, settled in his ways with no hope of ever changing. But this unassuming Master Plumber has a big secret that not even Charlie can anticipate, and when it comes to light, no one in their small town will ever be the same again.
What others are saying about "Greatest of These"... |
"You've done it again used another one of your stories and reeled me in, The
Greatest of These was awesome. This story was the one that drew me into your site... I was up bleary eyed
trying to catch up because I started reading late... I couldn't stop (not regretting it for a
minute.)" - Rakesha (New York, USA)
"I am a faithful reader of your series. I have been reading them since I
happened to find them online two years ago. I was touched by these stories. I have a new view to people's
life in your country. In a word, I love your novels... Your series are the first contemporary works I
read. Among them, I love Greatest of These most... It fits my view about love, life and devotion. It is
pure and nice." - Viola (China)
"I just finished reading 'The Greatest of These', and it is a wonderful
book. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know both Charlie and Adam, and their family. I have read
all of the other books you have on this site, and I have to say that 'The Greatest of These', is by
far my favorite. I guess because it is not just focused on a love story, it is about life. Not only do
you get to know Adam and Charlie, you also get to experience their pain and their happiness. I can't
wait for your next book. Thank you so much for sharing your books online. God has given you a wonderful
talent. God Bless you for sharing His Word through your books."
- A Reader
3 of 83 comments. See more...

A Contemporary Romance
- Total word count: 7,505
- When it was written: 1999

A Contemporary Romance
- Total word count: 12,693
- When it was written: 1998

A Contemporary Romance
- Total word count: 22,977
- When it was written: 1998. First in the Journey series, and the first novel I ever wrote.